Here's how I handle my skin now:

  1. Use allergen free clothes washing detergent.
  2. Use mild liquid bath soap, such as Dove brand.
  3. Generic shampoo combined with occasional use of salicylic-acid infused shampoo.
  4. After shower, moisturize whole body with fragrance free body lotion.
  5. After shower, apply petroleum jelly to areas of skin that are the driest (elbows, eyelids, feet, knees, etc).
  6. After applying other moisturizers, wait at least 15 min, then apply Am-Lactin (or generic version) to regions of skin that seem most itchy.
  7. If I am having a mild flare-up, I will apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone on affected areas before applying the vaseline.
  8. On stubborn flare-ups, I apply prescription strength cortico-steroids, except to groin and eyelids.
  9. For stubborn flare-ups where prescription cortisone is not recommended, use prescription Protopic.
  10. Try to avoid eating chocolate.