The first day of the conference is finally here. Early in the morning, we took a train ride to Paris-Sorbonne University, where all the sessions and presentations are held. From 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, the day was filled with welcome speeches, presentations from keynote speakers, workshops, demo rooms, and networking events. At noon, our group took flights to the 2nd floor of the building, set up our space in a classroom, and started showing off our work. Compliments were abundant: people were impressed upon learning that the work was done in two months by high school students with guidance from DPL, and wanted to get in touch with us to see how the demo could be incorporated into their own projects or curriculum. Helpful advice was also given: several people noted eye discomfort in using the Google Cardboard, and suggested ways to better the visualization of the app. Overall, the experience was invaluable. We learned a lot about current technologies and met many knowledgeable scholars.

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